Binary opposition - the binary opposition is a terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning.
examples include
Deconstruction - attempts to undo logical contradictions and overturn rigid conceptual oppositions while releasing new concepts that cant be included in the old system.
Différance - an attempt to conjoin the differing aspects involved in arche-writing, a term that plays upon the distinction between the audible and the written.
Derrida - finds the opposition between speech and writing to establish speech as the means of giving presence to the world, while writing is deemed derivative and inferior.
Reinscribe - rename in a new stronger form or context.
Cognitive dissonance - Having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes relating to behavioral decisions change.
Judith Butler is an American academic whose theories of the performative nature of gender were influential with French philosophy, cultural theory, queer theory, and some schools of philosophical feminism from the late 20th century.
1. The film is an attack on normativity of behavior and the audiences ideas of a horror film
2. 2008 Funny games is an appropriation of the same film released in 1997.
3. The film deconstructs expectations set by the genre which is denying the audience the enjoyable film experience that viewers watch films for.
4. It breaks the 4th wall by reality being broken when the character addresses the audience and feel omniscient-invisible power given to us in almost every film.
It is diffĂ©rant by making the viewers ask ‘why is all this happening?’ it also always deferred and never know why the story is happening.
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