Sunday, 8 October 2017

Perspective 3 - homework Postmodernism

definition of postmodern words:

  • axiomatic - something that is self-evident
  •  metanarrative - a narrative account that explores the idea of storytelling, often by bringing attention to its artificiality
  • essentialism - that everyone enjoys and is perfect 
  • utopian - a place that is perfect and beautiful 
  • dystopian - an imagined place in which everything is unpleasant or bad and horrible to live in 
  • scepticism -the doubt to the truth of something.
  • Relativism - the doctrine that truth, and morality exist in relation to culture, society, or historical context, however they are not absolute.
  • Pluralism - the practice of holding more than one ecclesiastical office at a time.
why is Mulholland Drive postmodern

  1. The utopia that Betty has about LA and being in the movie as being a glamorous life style as a perfect way of living 
  2. Some scenes feel disconnected with other eg cutting from Rita and Betty to an ass director to a shooter who set up the car crush with a friend
  3. There is a Hollywood motif were it shows different aspects of Hollywood a dreamer, someone losing everything they and mobster type big guys hunting down someone 
  4. The feels fragmented in tone and style for there are different elements like the 1960's style music and the dark creepiness from the stage performance that Betty and Rita watch
  5. the unreliable narrator in this film is Betty, also known as Diana. for when Betty comes to la and gives an amazing performance it seem to perfect and cheesy, until later on when we discover that it might be an illustration created by Diana.

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