Friday 20 October 2017

Perspectives 5 - Moulin Rouge


  • The canon - a term applied to cultural products generally accepted as‘superior’ to or more significant than other examples of cultural product within the same field.
  • DWEM's (Dead White European Males) - A type of person viewed as unjustly dominant in literature and culture, and hence archetypally despised by feminists, multiculturalists and postmodernists
  • Phallocentricism - that things are centred around men and what their beliefs and ideals are
  • Eurocehtricism - that beliefs and ideals are centred around Europe
  • Postcolomialism - the political or cultural condition of a former colony.
  • Multiculturalism - the presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society.
  • Feminism - the idea, fight and belief that women are equal to men in everything and should be treated as equals however can also be seen as women taking power 

Why is Moulin Rouge postmodern.

The films multiculturalism by including the city of Paris as well as India culture in the play at the end with the set, music and closing design.

It is Eurocehtricism for where the film is set, it is in Paris with some scenes cutting to the city of love and showing the Eiffel Tower.

The main 2 men the duke and Christian are phallocentic for both show there ideas and beliefs in the film where one is for love and that without it what's the point in doing anything whilst the other is for pure lust and wanting santian for himself.

All the women show same form of Feminism in the film, each are work hard and alongside most od the men.  Satine also prove she can be equal in the spectacular, spectacular song by singing and dance with the men showing that if they can do it so can i.

The film is Non-linear narrative is A person who was involved in the past events is telling the audience the story he going through Christian story of falling in love with Satine. it goes back and forth form Christian writing his experience to what happened in his life to the screenplay that Christian wrote.

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